Well it is over, we have done it....ran our first 5K, can't wait until the next one.
Learned a lot about how to do it better the next time, but I feel like a winner because I started & finished something I wasn't sure would ever be possible for me to do 5 years ago.
I was so freaking proud of my super skinny, tight butted, gonna take the contest by a long shot wife as she crossed the finish line, running the entire way!!! Way to go you super skinny, hot mama.....I am such a lucky man to have done this contest with the most amazing person EVER in the world...
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The Drug
Well It has been awhile sense my last post, I hope all is well with everyone. Sense the last post so much has happened, it been awesome hearing all the changes in everyone. Well made it to the gym tonight after all the craziness in my family "SOCCER, BASEBALL, SCHOOL, SCOUTS" It is simply amazing the change in my life and Alis it wasn't but a few months ago that this pace with our kids would have been impossible. Well at the gym tonight I went there with the attitude that I would simply get my 45 min work out in and call it a night well almost 2hrs later I just had to leave, sweating for me has become a drug for me, I love it . I'm so proud of Ali when she tells me that she has been working out so hard she is sweating from head to toe and to hear her say "Matt I ran almost 2 miles today". This is such a Awesome experience it sad that it is almost over, but we have been put on the path now its up to us to stay on it. Good by for now keep up the good hard work and keep sweating.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
love it now maybe
Well the Blogging keeps going and the time is quickly running out, another week gone so many lessons learned and still learning new things. As the challenge is coming to a end I can say the main thing that I have learned is the power of food. I look back at my life and what I use to eat and I look at the things people eat as they driver by me on the road, while there texting also. So it comes down to this I looked like what I use to eat and I use to eat allooooot. Sense the challenge Ali and I are cooking allot together in fact, I'm cooking a few of the meals myself and it is fun, I use to burn water when I cooked, so I left the cooking to Ali. But with a little planning and a little of this and a little of that, I can make a dinner that everyone around the table can say that was good thanks. But only a little pat on my back the cooking is still Ali's she is much better at it then I. Hope everyone is good, amazing changes in the Gym with everyone only a few more Mtns to climb.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Y Because we can NOW
Sunday, April 4, 2010
I love it now
Well it has been a little while sense my last blog so here we go. At the gym a few days ago it was amazing seeing some of you at the gym what great changes we are all going through right now. My first thought is the "Winters" those two were amazing Thurs, watching them over in the corner with their trainer doing those things they called the SUPERMAN that was totally amazing, kudos to the WINTERS. Well as my title says I love it now has to deal with that big box store that Ali loves to go to and I really hate, the store is Bed Bath and Beyond, well Ali and I went there yesterday and I really liked it there it is amazing all the fun things that you can get for helping cook food, with all this food changes in our life Ali and I are cooking allot more together so it was fun buying a few fun new things to help us cook with, our favorite has been a peeler for avocado's it is cool, a fruit scrubber and some funnels for our Protein drinks, but amazing how fun it has become to simply prepare food and like a store that i hated before. Also this week I was cleaning out my cloths drawer and I found a old doctors report from about 6 years ago. I had this test done by my doctor after he told me that if i don't get in shape I will not be around long to see my kids grow up. So I share with you some of these number It scares me to wonder what I would be like if i hadn't started to change or would I be here.
Weight 285Ibs
Cholesterol 272
Hdl 62.3
pulse 86
Blood Pressure 138/89
There were many other # that simply said HIGH
So for all of you every little bit helps it will change you life Its awesome to see the change in you all
Weight 285Ibs
Cholesterol 272
Hdl 62.3
pulse 86
Blood Pressure 138/89
There were many other # that simply said HIGH
So for all of you every little bit helps it will change you life Its awesome to see the change in you all
Monday, March 22, 2010
New things and better ideas
Well another week down, and many new things learned. The big things, in those two things you wear on your feet, yes maybe all of you have found this out all ready and that is the cheap shoes and higher end shoes there is a big difference in them, Ali and I went to the Running Corner Sat and had are feet fitted for new shoes they really worked with us one on one, we tried many kind on and did a little running in them, they told us the style of shoe that would work the best, well tonight for my first time I was able to run 4 miles on the tread mill the whole time, and my feet for the first time felt wonderful, it was a little pricey but o what a feeling. Also this week my wife got chewed out by a neighbor that is a distant runner that if he every sees me out going for a run with sweat pants and a hoodie on he will track me down and take them off, so I guess you want as little cloths on as possible, he told Ali if he could he would run naked, well not to worry I will stick with lighter and less cloths when I go running, hope all is well for everyone seya at the gym or class, keep up the good work and Ali you are looking awesome every day.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Well here I go again, This is such amazing thing that has happened in my life with in the past few weeks, I am seating here at the computer looking at the clock waiting for Ali to get home so I can go to the GYM, I cant believe that feeling, I want to go so bad Cause of how it makes me feel each day with each mile I run or calories I'm able to burn off. Its just amazing how I'm feeling now and watching the change in everyone i see at the gym. This is totally awesome. She is still not home. Ali you looked so good today its amazing the change in you, keep up the hard work your awesome, you will reach your goal
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Found something new this week
Well another week down and another blog post, this is actually fun doing this blogging, well down to business it has been a week of ups and downs for me, the week days seem to go good but the weekends are a real killer for me, with food especially, when the youngest wants a big container of those o so little but o so good and o not so good for you JELLY BELLY'S it just seemed like the few I had just seemed to spark a desire for candy and sweets and sweets are not a big desire of mine, but man eat some of those JELLY BELLY'S and the evil BUTTER POPCORN, are so good, so I'm glad the weekend is almost over and the JELLY BELLY'S are almost gone. The other thing I learned this week was how crazy I have been walking away from my trainer and wife as they begin to stretch out after working out, Traci taught me how important it is and how it made the next morning aches not to bad at all, so on the ground I must go after every good hard work out to stretch out the good old muscles. Tell next time it fun reading all the blog posts and the desire it gives me to keep going. But remember JELLY BELLY'S are so good but not so good for us.
Friday, March 5, 2010
New best friend
Well trying to do this blogging stuff regularly. Its been great reading all the different blogs and the support it gives me and the wife. Well my trainer introduced me to the one thing I said I would never do or use and that is those big balls over on the rack in the training room, well Julianne got me on one and i didn't fall off or pop it and i got the best work out on my stomach i have ever had and wouldn't you know it, Ali got one for her birthday on Wednesday and we inflated it today and all ready its been used alot and it really works the back and stomach very well , I would really recommend one for all and the kids even love to play with it. So yes the big ball is my new best friend in the gym to help me lose the stomach that ive been trying to get rid of for quite some time. tell next time
Half the man I used to be...
Sometimes it is hard to know if our hard work is paying off, so I decided to look back at what I used to be, weight wise & share with you what cutting out soda, increasing exercise, portion control & watching what went into my mouth did for me, to help inspire those of you that wonder if it will be worth it...
I am now half the man I used to be.....

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Watch out im blogging
Well like some of you I have never blogged and honestly never thought that I would, but after reading all the other blogs it looks and sounds cool. This morning Ali and i got up early to go to the local gym that we have been going to this year, we were so excited to go after having a great second workout with are trainer and when we got there we realized that the gym was still closed and how upset we were that we were not going to have a early morning workout so we will have to do it later in the day, so its just amazing seeing how our attitudes are changing towards working out and starting to see some physical and mental changes in my life and so this first blog must end for I cant think of anything else to say
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