Sunday, March 14, 2010

Found something new this week

Well another week down and another blog post, this is actually fun doing this blogging, well down to business it has been a week of ups and downs for me, the week days seem to go good but the weekends are a real killer for me, with food especially, when the youngest wants a big container of those o so little but o so good and o not so good for you JELLY BELLY'S it just seemed like the few I had just seemed to spark a desire for candy and sweets and sweets are not a big desire of mine, but man eat some of those JELLY BELLY'S and the evil BUTTER POPCORN, are so good, so I'm glad the weekend is almost over and the JELLY BELLY'S are almost gone. The other thing I learned this week was how crazy I have been walking away from my trainer and wife as they begin to stretch out after working out, Traci taught me how important it is and how it made the next morning aches not to bad at all, so on the ground I must go after every good hard work out to stretch out the good old muscles. Tell next time it fun reading all the blog posts and the desire it gives me to keep going. But remember JELLY BELLY'S are so good but not so good for us.


  1. Like Mindy said, it is probably good to have something that is really bugging you, like the jelly bellies, but other times it can just make you want more. The trick is to know whether one will satisfy you or whet your appetite. Tough struggle for me also.

  2. Those Buttered Popcorn Jelly Bellys are my favorite. I'm glad they weren't near me. I am a total sugar addict. I'm trying not to be. I just tell myself that sugar is poison but it doesn't always work. Sometimes when I workout I forget to stretch afterward. That happened to me yesterday and today I am sore. Mary is right about knowing if one will satisfy or just whet your appetite. Hmmm I know the answer for me. We're all in this together with the same struggles. I think you're doing great!!
