Sunday, April 4, 2010

I love it now

Well it has been a little while sense my last blog so here we go. At the gym a few days ago it was amazing seeing some of you at the gym what great changes we are all going through right now. My first thought is the "Winters" those two were amazing Thurs, watching them over in the corner with their trainer doing those things they called the SUPERMAN that was totally amazing, kudos to the WINTERS. Well as my title says I love it now has to deal with that big box store that Ali loves to go to and I really hate, the store is Bed Bath and Beyond, well Ali and I went there yesterday and I really liked it there it is amazing all the fun things that you can get for helping cook food, with all this food changes in our life Ali and I are cooking allot more together so it was fun buying a few fun new things to help us cook with, our favorite has been a peeler for avocado's it is cool, a fruit scrubber and some funnels for our Protein drinks, but amazing how fun it has become to simply prepare food and like a store that i hated before. Also this week I was cleaning out my cloths drawer and I found a old doctors report from about 6 years ago. I had this test done by my doctor after he told me that if i don't get in shape I will not be around long to see my kids grow up. So I share with you some of these number It scares me to wonder what I would be like if i hadn't started to change or would I be here.
Weight 285Ibs
Cholesterol 272
Hdl 62.3
pulse 86
Blood Pressure 138/89
There were many other # that simply said HIGH
So for all of you every little bit helps it will change you life Its awesome to see the change in you all


  1. What a great post!! Thanks for all of the positive thoughts. Sounds like you are doing great and much improved from the old numbers. Good things are happening at your house with the cooking together and shopping together at your "Favorite" store. You Go, Guy.

  2. Thanks for the inspiration!! Way to go :)

  3. Thank you for the great compliment matt!! We try and just do what we can and rely on our trainer Riley to get us there.
    You guys are doing great too!
